Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thing #6: Discovering Web 2.0 Tools

When I read the assignment for this blog my mind began to wander from cooking to work to school to my social life. It was almost overwhelming when I opened the link which we were supposed to find a tool at. In the midst of this confusion, a light bulb came on in my head which said "you need to organize your thoughts to complete this project, you will never get it done by being scatterbrained." So I looked at the tags on the right hand side, and saw one titled organization, so I clicked it. Then I saw one titled "tools" so I clicked it. Quickly I came upon the one which would be a winner for me, moreganize. Moreganize is useful for me in multiple aspects of my life. I can create a to do list which I can access from anywhere of homework assignments, and then a separate list of things that need to be done around the house, and the one which I found the most rewarding was being able to create a list from anywhere on my phone, laptop, or iPad which I could share with coworkers telling them things that needed to be accomplished that day. For example, the list would be titled with the date and name of our workplace and it may list deep cleaning for BER, consider CLC roles, ensure great service is given to each guest, etc. Then when my coworkers open the list they can check off the things which they have completed, communicating to the rest of the team what projects are still left. I tested it the last few days, and it has made us communicate so much more and accomplish more as a team all together.

I think this tool would be especially useful for college students to collaborate on group projects, and for team teachers to collaborate on field trips, lesson plans, etc. You can find this tool at

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